Hello, I am

Avinash Gupta

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Web Developer


About Me

Hi, I'm Here To Help Your Next Project

I'm Avinash Gupta, a web developer. I specialize in turning ideas into functional and stylish websites. With a background in web development, I bring creativity and technical skills to the digital realm. Let's build something amazing together!

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My Journey



Noida Institute of Enginerring & Technolog

Bachelor of Technolog, Computer Science & Technolog

2019 - 2022

Govt. Polytechnics (Basti)

Diploma, EEE.


MGIC (Gorakhpur)

Class XII, UP Board


Pt J l Inter collage(Gorakhpur)

Class X, UP Board

My Skills

Frontend Development

I have developed a strong expertise in frontend development, combining my knowledge of HTML, CSS,JavaScript and ReactJS. With expertise in using TailwindCSS I excel in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. I am skilled in implementing responsive and interactive web applications that provide seamless user experiences.

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I have developed a strong command of data structures and algorithms, equipping me with the skills to efficiently solve complex problems. Through continuous learning and rigorous practice, I have honed my ability to analyze and optimize algorithms, ensuring efficient data manipulation and retrieval.I am adept at designing elegant and scalable solutions that effectively address real-world challenges.

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Data Structures

I have developed a strong command of data structures and algorithms, equipping me with the skills to efficiently solve complex problems. Through continuous learning and rigorous practice, I have honed my ability to analyze and optimize algorithms, ensuring efficient data manipulation and retrieval.I am adept at designing elegant and scalable solutions that effectively address real-world challenges.

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My Project


train-ticket-booking-system using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The Portal offers an interactive Mangement System. Users can Book their appotiment.


A Dice-Challenge built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Designed an intuitive user interface with CSS for an engaging user experience.Incorporated JavaScript logic to handle dice rolling functionality and score tracking

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